

Committed to Safeguarding
Nutrition, Sustainability
& Authenticity.

Optimum nutrition is the medicine of tomorrow
Conscious consumption of wholesome food is a must for everlasting good health. Isn't food consumption an individual choice?
Yes, it is.
We as a community, bring to you a lifestyle of conscious consumption and trust, we bring food that will support your well-being, and help you have an everlasting wholesome lifestyle.
We introduce you to improved natural immuno-boosters with Wholesome’s unadulterated platterful of nutritive goodness.
Learn more about our mission to start a conscious revolutionary change in the way you procure and consume.

A basket full of wholesomeness packed with pure unadulterated goodness and without artificial additives, introduce you to improved natural immuno -boosters to face the ever-increasing health challenges that occur in every day-to-day life.
Learn more about our mission to start a conscious revolutionary change in the way you procure and consume.
Bringing you the best
nutrition from Mother Earth.
Seed to Plate with 100% Wholesomeness
Serving you the best is not just about checking the quality of products after it has been through all the processes.
It all begins at the early stage, which starts from selecting authentic farms and choosing farmers who put sheer effort into giving you the best.

Learn more about our conscious efforts to bring you the optimum nutrients from authentic farms and farmers sourced through a sustainable process.

With sustainable & mindful actions, we are here to strengthen a reliable ecosystem of health and economic viability without any bargain on nutrition.

A Wholesome Ecosystem
An ecosystem of health on which everyone can rely is our ultimate goal! We believe that we can strengthen our hearty environment through our stated vision.
Every mindful action we take concentrates on the economic viability, which is a necessary condition for a sustainable agricultural and food system.

Every grain has a story to tell, we at Wholesome Platter™ are here to “re-tell” that journey…
Every food we provide has been through a journey, starting from the diligently selected farmers who still practise natural and sustainable farming, to the way the products are processed and provided to you without losing the natural rawness.

Our motive is to introduce you to their stories and make sure that we are not here to only RETAIL but to also RETELL the stories of our products.
The ancient wisdom of farming practices, processing methods and recipes, passed on through the generations is now available at your doorstep.
A basket full of wholesomeness packed with pure unadulterated goodness and without artificial additives, introduce you to improved natural immuno -boosters to face the ever-increasing health challenges that occur in every day-to-day life.
Learn more about our mission to start a conscious revolutionary change in the way you procure and consume.
We have forgotten the true ways of procuring, processing, purchasing, & consuming food items.
The last few decades have witnessed an increasing trend of try-and-buy, which has been further glamorized by marketing campaigns.
The consumer's quest for good quality products however faces major issues related to Authenticity, Transparency, Traceability, and Availability.

Wholesome Platter™ is focused on unravelling the ways of tackling these issues.
Increasing health awareness and consciousness is leading consumers to look for food products that are nutritious, authentic, and healthy.
Your search stops here at Wholesome Platter™.
As our name suggests "Wholesome Platter™" means the well-being of natural products from their birth as a seed till the time they reach your doorstep and to the point, they are consumed by you.